Goodday Charge Launches Boomers2Gamers: Search for Malaysia’s First Senior Esports Team Playing Counter Strike 2

In a move to bridge the generation gap and challenge stereotypes surrounding esports, Goodday Charge proudly announces the launch of Boomers2Gamers, a competition to form Malaysia’s first senior esports team for 50 year olds and above with up to RM20,000 in prizes to be won. This follows other recent legitimising initiatives by Goodday in their efforts to debunk myths surrounding esports, while pushing for greater acceptance, acknowledging esports as a legitimate form of sports like any other.

These include sponsoring the development of the National eSport Development Guideline (NESDEG), launched in partnership with Hannah Yeoh and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, designed to protect esports athletes and ensure the development of the industry, followed by the appointment of Malaysia’s most successful esports athlete, xNova, as the face of Goodday Charge’s revamped packaging and sponsoring the recent 2024 Malaysian eSports Awards.

With prevailing misperceptions and stigmas towards esports, especially with the older generation, the launch of Boomers2Gamers serves as a platform to help the older generation create a better understanding of esports, bridging the generational gap to induce bonding with the younger generation, and more importantly promote active ageing highlighting benefits gained from esports in the areas of cognitive function, reflexes and more.

Challenging the notion of esports as a sedentary and not a real sport, Goodday is here to tell consumers that esports is in fact a sport by shedding light on its competitive nature, demanding high levels of athleticism, especially in the areas of fitness and nutrition, just like other sports.

Goodday Charge invites individuals aged 50 and above to submit their entries for a chance to join the first senior esports team. The submission period is set at eight weeks from 19th February to 8th April 2024, allowing both experienced and inexperienced individuals to showcase their passion for gaming.

The selection process will be thorough, with 10 successful candidates shortlisted to undergo a comprehensive gaming crash course aimed at educating the senior generation on what it takes to be an esports athlete and highlight the benefits they stand to gain including, building connections, healthier habits, improved mental capabilities and the joy of learning a new skill. The course will cover five essential pillars: Trained Skill, Strategy, Exercise, Diet and Sleep and Teamwork and Communication

The selected candidates will then attend a three-day boot camp, followed by online training sessions with their team. A final three-day training and preparation period will culminate in a 5v5 competition to determine the five players who will make history as Malaysia’s most senior esports team.

Amy Gan, VP of Marketing at Etika Sdn Bhd, expressed the company’s dedication to destigmatizing and legitimising esports as a sport on par with traditional sports. In a statement, Gan said, “Goodday Charge’s initiative to form Malaysia’s most senior esports team is another step in our efforts towards changing perspectives surrounding esports and gaming. “

“We hope through this experience, the older generation will come to understand and appreciate the effort, skill and dedication displayed by esports professionals and move towards accepting that it is in fact a sport on par with others. I look forward to gamers and enthusiasts using this as an opportunity to share their world and experiences with their elders by signing them up for the search.” she added.

In line with Goodday’s mission to legitimise esports as sports, similar to other sports, Goodday believes, just like athletes in traditional sports, esports athletes require similar nutrition, fitness, and energy. This is where Goodday Charge comes in, with their specially formulated chocolate milk that supports esports

athletes with essential nutrients, including vitamin B complex, for sustained energy, challenging misconceptions about the physical and mental demands of competitive gaming.

Whether you are 50 and above and looking for a new challenge or a child/grandchild wanting to help the older generation understand your love for esports, visit to sign up and make history as Malaysia’s first ever senior esports team. Upon registration, eligible participants will be contacted for a virtual interview as a part of the shortlisting process.

Keep up with Goodday’s efforts to legitimise esports by following Goodday Milk Malaysia at or

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